1Acceptance ReportReport listing all clients that had a treatment plan created and its Status.
2Active Inactive Discharged ReportSummary numbers based on filter selections.
3Age/Year ReportReport listing client ages
4Appointment DetailsReport listing all appointments over a period.
5Appointment Reminder LogShows that reminders were sent out for appointments and when.
6Appointments by CounselorTherapist, Supervisor, Manager Report. List of appointments and attendance. Includes location but not in filter.
7Appointments Export ReportGood report if you are going to be away from a computer. Export and print your appointment schedule over a date range including the future.
8Attendance ReportSimple report listing all sessions for a client or all clients. Doesn't indicate if attended or no show.
9Billing Summary All Activity
10Calendar AppointmentReport showing all appointments the service code, time, counselor Good to see how your therapists/interns are seeing clients.
11Calendar Print
12Claims Detail ReportSimple report listing client sessions, amount owed and when transmitted to the company.
13Client Address LabelsReport with name address telephone number. Would download and then format based on the type of labels you need.
14Client Authorization ReportFilter is for single client.
15Client by Counselor and Supervisor
16Client by Counselor Report
17Client by Last SessionSimple filter just enter date and prints date of last session by client/counselor.
18Client Checkin Details
19Client Deposit Balance Report
20Client Details by TherapistReport indicating if CA and TP exists, last session, etc. also see Client Status Report
21Client Details With First Session Date ReportSimple report showing the client date of registration and date of first session.
22Client Discharge ListSimple date filter listing discharged clients and the Reason for Discharge from the Discharge summary.
23Client Face SheetSingle client. Auto saves to a PDF information a lot like the client;s Pre-registration screen with additional info.
24Client Insurance Eligibility ReportCreates a report titled Insurance Claims Submitted. Lists the EDI transactions sent to Medicare and Medical.with claim number but not when transmitted or paid.
25Client with out SessionList of clients, counselor, email and dob.
26Client by Counselor and SupervisorReport listing client, registration date, last session, counselor 1 & 2 and supervisor.
27Clients by County ReportFilter with either sessions or new registrations and date range. Useful for identifying data gaps.
28Clients by InsuranceList of all clients by insurance, other, self-pay
29Clients by Insurance Billing TypeSimple report listing client, carrier name, billing type.
30Client Diagnosis ReportSimple report grouped by counselor and client name and ICD 10 diagnosis.
31Client Phone ListCounselor date filter. Both work, cell numbers plus emergency contact phone number.
32Company Billing Export ReportExtensive filters. Including Multi-select Location and Funding source. One row per session.
33Consent Completion Date ReportSimple report each counselor has subsection with client name, client id and Completion Date of consent.
34Counselor Status ReportBasically a phone and email list of counselors.
35Deleted Client Report
36DHR Activity Report
37DHR with Drug and Diagnosis
38Discharge Summary
39Discharge Summary with Referral Details ReportSimple report of the Referred to Agency, contact and services and the Referral source from the client Discharge.
40Eligibility CheckList of clients, dob, insurance career, subscriber Id and Phone. Info is in the system and only accessed a client at a time.
41Eligibility Report
42Encounter Form Report
43End of Year Company Report
44ERA Detail Report
45ERA Report
46Funding Source by CounselorBy session list.
47Future Client AppointmentsList of a particular clients upcoming appointments. Could make a nice handout but would need to print it and text and email reminders already available.
48HCFA Report
49Insurance Auth ReportFilter = client, counselor, date range, service, payer, status (active, expired, all). List of authorizations and how many have been used plus other information. Good to check backlog and when a counselor may be getting close to having an opening.
50Insurance Billing Summary
51Last Appointment Status by CounselorLists clients, their last session date, how long since it has been since last session and whether or not they attended. This should be used by the counselor/program manager to follow up with stale clients to see if they should be made inactive.
52List Progress Note by CounselorBy counselor, by client list each session and the status of the progress note for that session. Could highlight for counselor/program manager/clinical director notes that have not been finished or approved. Also see the Missing Progress Notes report a little further down.
53Manna Daily Charge SheetCounselor date filter. List each session, the price the balance and the total.
54Missing AuthorizationsFilter = client, counselor, date range, service, payer, status (active, expired, all). List of authorizations and how many have been used plus other information. check backlog and when a counselor may be getting close to having an opening.
55missing Progress NotesCounselor, date filter. Simple list of client and date of service that does not have a progress note attached to it.
56Monthly Billing Summary by TherapistFilter therapist and month. Financial summary of monthly avg and each month.
57Monthly Transaction HistoryDate range, counselor filter. Summary row per counselor of total charges, total revenue and total write-off.
58No ClaimsDate range, session status, filter. List each session, payer type, counselor, billing code, total charges, progress note status and claim status.
59Ohio Behavioral Health Report
60Paperwork Needed
61Patient Demographic ReportDate range filter. Specifically formatted order sheet for a specific company
62Progress Note PrintFilter counselor, date range (7 days max), note type, client name. Prints formated progress note.
63Receivables Aging DetailFilter = Client (blank=all) Counselor (blank = all) as of date group by payer. List report. One row per session. Sesion date, client, counselor than current, over 30, 0ver 60, over 90, over 180. Column totals at end of report.
64Receivables Aging SummaryDifference between previous is one row per client vs per session,can filter on location and shows total owed which helps managers. Filter = client, counselor, location, As of date. List report showing client, Current, over 30, over 60, over 90, over 120, over 180 and Total amount client owes.
65Receivables by ClientThis is a summary by client of total charges, payments by type and remaining balance. No aging. Filter = client (blank = all), counselor (select = all), as of date. Point in time list report. Client, Total Charges, Pri Ins Payments, sec ins payments, client payments, write off, balance, deposit bal. No counselor name or location indicator in list or header if used.
66Red Flag ReportFilter on client. Just lists the client name, Insurance type and Description typed in the description field.
67Referral Source ReportFilter = Referral source, date range, service, attendance and client status. Provides list of all client sessions grouped by Referral Source. Includes data on attendance and diagnosis also..
68Registration SummaryFilter = Date Range and Payer. Simple report listing client name, DOB, Registration date, phone and email.
69Retainer Letter
70Revenue ReportFilter = date range, counselor. One row report showing total charges and then totals by pay type (cash, check, Ins, etc.)
71Sliding Scale Fee ReportFilter = Counselor and Client. List of all clients with a sliding scale and the amount per service type.
72Student Requirement AuditFilter - Counselor, Date Range
73Supervision/Probation Office ReportFilter = Probation Officer, Date Range. Formatted list report to be sent to specific probation officer. Client, dob, session date, attended yes/no payment and client status.
74System Usage Summary ReportFilter = Date Range. One row per Therasoft user showing role total number of sessions, payments, progress notes, etc. Use to check who is using the system and collecting sliding scale..
75Terms and Conditions Status ReportFilter = Counselor (all), date range. Simple list report with client name, creation date, singed status, completion status.
76Total Clients Monthly Details ReportFilter = date range. Summary total row showing Active clients beginning period, new registrations, discharges and active clients end of period as a bonus a total number of referrals.
77Treatment Plan by ClientFilter = client name, date range, client status, treatment plan status (in progress, finished, approved). Data is client name, TP date, Diagnosis, counselor, TP status and Review date.
78Treatment Type by ClientFilter - Treatment Type and Date Range.
79Unbilled Sessions reportFilter = date range, counselor. Client ID session date service attendance, Payer ID Payer, charges, payments, diagnosis and counselor.
80User Login TrackingFilter = User, Date Range = sorts by user showing date login and logout times.
81User Status ReportFilter = Security Role, Status - list of all users their setup date, status and contact info.
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