Make sure to go to your calendar and click the Client portal setting first before completing these steps. This will give you the choice of what you want your clients to see while they are inside the Portal.
1. Go to the Ind tab, go to the new client tab, click the Yellow button that says "Send Pre-Regn Link" Insert the email and send it out to the client. If you would like to change the verbiage that goes out In this link go to the setup tab, click on Company info and you will see the box that allows you to edit the email message.
2. Then go to the Calendar click on the time of the appointment, select personal as the choice and insert the New client name Then you will wait for the client to fill out the Demographics and Fill out the Terms and Conditions. You will get an email and a text message (if this is set up under Setup, Provider/Staff, click on the Provider name, then look for Pre-Registration notifications).
3. Once you have been notified you will then go to the Individual tab, click on New Client tab, click on the client name, make sure everything is filled out (if you are sending claims make sure all green highlighted areas are filled out, if not you can get this info when the client comes in), Click on the save and register at the bottom of the screen. Click the save button in the middle of the page now your client is now active. You can now set up the client portal pin for the client portal, click the Client Portal/myTherapist tab, insert a 4 digit pin, once you have clicked the send button the client will get an email to access the portal. Make sure they have an email and a Mobile number on this page at the bottom of the screen.
4. Now go to the Calendar and take out the Personal appointment that you had inserted for this client and insert the real client on the calendar.