If you are needing to delete a claim, find the appointment on your calendar.
1. If the "I" button is green, there is no way to stop the claim. You will need to call the insurance company and explain to them what happened.
2. If the "I" button is yellow, you can go to Insurance, View claims and delete the claim from that area.
We do not send claims until about 10 pm Eastern time and resubmits only go out on Wednesday and Saturdays. If you catch the claim before these times you should be able to delete it.
We cannot send voided claims due to the fact that the claim number is changed once the insurance company has received it.
If you need to send a voided claim, you will need to print out the claim and mail it with the original claim that is found in Emdeon. You will then need to print the new HCFA with the change and write a letter explaining the reason for the voided claim.
Our system is only allowed to send the first transmission. If you have received an EOB from the insurance, with a rejection or an incorrect diagnosis code, etc, the claim can be resubmitted. See our Knowledgebase article: How to resubmit a claim.